Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hoop schedule...

Here's kinda how it goes...  I have hoops all over my house. Different sizes, different weights, some fancy taped, some bald & sanded.. anyway..

I wake up.. grumble to the kitchen for coffee. Sit on the couch- check email.

Get up for the second cup of coffee- look sideways at at least 4 hoops that I pass on the way back to the couch.  Check, see what's up on the Today show..

On my way back to the kitchen to put my cup in the dishwasher and PICK UP A HOOP.. swirl it around my hand a few times- put it down.

Shower- go the bedroom to dress and while I'm still in my first layer (hello- I'm a recess lady, it's winter, I layer!) I pick up the hoop in my room & stand on my bed & hoop for a few minutes- more Today Show.. uh oh- Hoda & Kathie Lee are on, better get moving!!

Finish dressing, chug some Instant Breakfast and grab one of my bigger hoops before I get out the door- waist hooping!  Halos! Try some jump throughs... bang myself in the face a few times.. put it down with frustration.. head out the door to work.

While I'm at work, all I can think about is getting home, and mastering that trick I saw on youtube.. DAMMIT why can't I bring the hoop to my waist from my knees??

Come home- I have 2 hours before i have to pick up the kids..  I shove down a sammich, or soup, or chips & soda (hah!) then pick up the nearest hoop and try, try again to master my latest challenge while watching Days of Our Lives..

SHIT gotta pick up the kids!!  "ok Randall.. (Randall is my black, green & white hoop I named after #12 Randall Cunningham, of course- yes I name my hoops.) I'll be back.."

Homework/dinner/cleanup/jammies/kiss the boys/prayers...

Sit on the couch.  Randall, and Ivan (my biggest, most heavy, most bruise-worthy hoop) are staring at me.. Oh God.. did I get my 30 minutes in? I think so- maybe not? Better do 15 minutes more...

Okayyyyyyuuhhh..  I'll just do some left hand/arm hooping in my reverse current while I watch the Bachelor/American Idol/Biggest Loser/Jersey Shore....

Then, hopefully I can grap a cocktail and be DONE for the day....

Bedtime.. trouble falling asleep cause I can't stop thinking about how i'll tape my next hoop- or the next song to add to my "hoop playlist"....

Then..... sweet dreams!!! (about hooping, of course)

Tomorrow?? Repeat....

Happy hooping, Creatures... :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mission accomplished!

As I mentioned in the last post, my friend & I were able to hoop it up in a giant studio with one other VIRGIN hooper!!  I LOVE hooking new hoopers!

Anyway- I spent a lot of the time challenging myself in the mirror and just jamming out with my hoops while I (unintentionally!) left my friend to help out our newbie.   I'm quite certain we all enjoyed ourselves!!

I came away with ONLY 2 scabs on my nose from hitting myself in the face and only one bruised ear and only ONE sprained pectoral!

Now THAT's pain I can live with!

I am one happy hooper. :)

Be happy, creatures!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's day 12! WHUT?

Okay people- this isn't exactly turning out to be the challenge I'd hoped it would be.  Who scheduled this surgery anyway??  I've been managing mostly to get my time in every day- but it's a stupid 10min. here & there... Frustration... repeat. ..

But I do have big hoop plans for this weekend!  I'm hoping to hoop it up with my neighbor, friend & fellow hoop addict.  Not any weenie 10min at a time either.  I want to SWEAT & be sore the next day! WOO!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 7

As much as I love being lazy without the guilt- being "off" really kind of sucks.  I wasn't even able to enjoy Funky Friday today and I LOVELOVELOVE funky friday!!  BUT...

I did pick up a hoop!  It was VERY slow going (I still kind of hobble, haha) and I had to do it in small increments, but i did it.  I'm still not able to do any hooping around my core, but I was able to get some off body hooping in.  Better than nothing!!  And thank God for pain medications..

I'm also working on a hooping "set list".. Any suggestions?? What moves YOU?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4, 5 & 6

Uuuuugh... This stupid surgery is really messing with my 30/30 challenge.  I did NOT expect to be this sore, especially in my shoulder!  Apparently, when they pump your belly with Co2 for surgery there's a weird, unexplainable phenomenon where it causes pain in your right shoulder.

Well, that totally blew my plan of "off body hooping" for the 30/30 since my core was going to be out of commission.  I have stitches in 2 places on my abdomen so out goes core work, and I can't hold my arm up so out goes the off body work. POOP!!

What I've done in the mean time is watch TONS of tutorial videos.  Hoop taping, knee hooping, shoulder hooping, stretching, and countless other trick tutorials.  I'll sleep on all of this helpful info and hope that when I CAN get back in the spin of things I'll have subconsciously absorbed it all making me an instant hooping genius. (hah!)

I'm hoping that this forced "time off" won't disqualify me for the Hooping U. drawing at the end of the 30/30 challenge because I REALLY REALLY want that prize!!

But... worse case scenario- I'll finish out the challenge anyway and be that much closer to LIGHTING up the FIRE HOOP!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 3. Cobwebs & bedsprings..

Well, it's getting pretty interesting finding places to hoop so today I decided to stand on my bed & hoop while watching Days of Our Lives.  I only almost fell off once!  And only almost broke my mirror once when the hoop flew across the room off my shoulder.

BUT I did get some time in working on one shoulder hooping- and ducking my head in & out.
I'm trying to think of a creative way to explain to the husband the new marks on the ceiling...  Suggestions?

Also- I'm going to continue to ignore the cobwebs & dust that I could see with my new perspective. I don't see them unless I'm standing on the bed- so they don't count.

And... it's probably the first time I ever broke a sweat watching Days... And I've been watching Days for 25 years!!

(ps~ I'm so glad Nathan left Stephanie. I hate her.)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 2

Not very exciting hooping today, but I DID end up with sore arms. :)

Given my lack of space I thought knee hooping & over the head stuff would be safe.  I thought a great time to get the 30min in would be right after coffee this AM.  The boys left for church so I had the living room to myself.
TV turned to the "big band and swing" music channel & just got 'er done.  Well, sort of... my knee hooping STINKS!!  But I'll get it....

Till tomorrow-

Good night, creatures. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well, somehow between present time, dinner & Beatles Rock Band I managed to get my 30min in... but to be fair I had more than the 30/30 challenge to motivate me today....


It was a complete SHOCK to me, and somehow orchestrated by my daughter and a great e-friend (and fellow hooper!) of mine.  SOME how they were able to keep it a secret.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would go to bed tonight the owner of a FIRE HOOP!!

Well, of course everyone wants to see that puppy lit up but... not yet.  It is at least 3 inches smaller than the hoops I've been using so it's going to take some practice to get to a point where I feel I won't burn my face off with it.  but Lordy, lordy does it make me EXCITED!!

Perfect timing for sure-

So now I can safely say one of my main  goals of this 30/30 challenge is to get myself to a point where I can light that bitch up..  and not die in the process..

Hoop on, creatures!!

Day one.. Briefly..

Hello creatures..  I've created this blog to keep track of my hooping 30/30 challenge.. 

I'm VERY excited about this because it actually gives me reason to actually HOOP every day instead of staring at the hoops and wishing it was summer..  LAMPS BEWARE!!

Even if it's just hooping at the waist- it's hooping.

Headed (over the river and through the woods... in the snow) to the in-laws today for Christmas #2 and I will be taking some hoops with me. Her living room is bigger!! I intend to get my 30+ minutes in over there- I also have a couple hoops I need to tape.

More about me, and my goals for hooping in '11 to come.....