Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day one.. Briefly..

Hello creatures..  I've created this blog to keep track of my hooping 30/30 challenge.. 

I'm VERY excited about this because it actually gives me reason to actually HOOP every day instead of staring at the hoops and wishing it was summer..  LAMPS BEWARE!!

Even if it's just hooping at the waist- it's hooping.

Headed (over the river and through the woods... in the snow) to the in-laws today for Christmas #2 and I will be taking some hoops with me. Her living room is bigger!! I intend to get my 30+ minutes in over there- I also have a couple hoops I need to tape.

More about me, and my goals for hooping in '11 to come.....

1 comment:

If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all. :)