Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4, 5 & 6

Uuuuugh... This stupid surgery is really messing with my 30/30 challenge.  I did NOT expect to be this sore, especially in my shoulder!  Apparently, when they pump your belly with Co2 for surgery there's a weird, unexplainable phenomenon where it causes pain in your right shoulder.

Well, that totally blew my plan of "off body hooping" for the 30/30 since my core was going to be out of commission.  I have stitches in 2 places on my abdomen so out goes core work, and I can't hold my arm up so out goes the off body work. POOP!!

What I've done in the mean time is watch TONS of tutorial videos.  Hoop taping, knee hooping, shoulder hooping, stretching, and countless other trick tutorials.  I'll sleep on all of this helpful info and hope that when I CAN get back in the spin of things I'll have subconsciously absorbed it all making me an instant hooping genius. (hah!)

I'm hoping that this forced "time off" won't disqualify me for the Hooping U. drawing at the end of the 30/30 challenge because I REALLY REALLY want that prize!!

But... worse case scenario- I'll finish out the challenge anyway and be that much closer to LIGHTING up the FIRE HOOP!!

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