Here's kinda how it goes... I have hoops all over my house. Different sizes, different weights, some fancy taped, some bald & sanded.. anyway..
I wake up.. grumble to the kitchen for coffee. Sit on the couch- check email.
Get up for the second cup of coffee- look sideways at at least 4 hoops that I pass on the way back to the couch. Check, see what's up on the Today show..
On my way back to the kitchen to put my cup in the dishwasher and PICK UP A HOOP.. swirl it around my hand a few times- put it down.
Shower- go the bedroom to dress and while I'm still in my first layer (hello- I'm a recess lady, it's winter, I layer!) I pick up the hoop in my room & stand on my bed & hoop for a few minutes- more Today Show.. uh oh- Hoda & Kathie Lee are on, better get moving!!
Finish dressing, chug some Instant Breakfast and grab one of my bigger hoops before I get out the door- waist hooping! Halos! Try some jump throughs... bang myself in the face a few times.. put it down with frustration.. head out the door to work.
While I'm at work, all I can think about is getting home, and mastering that trick I saw on youtube.. DAMMIT why can't I bring the hoop to my waist from my knees??
Come home- I have 2 hours before i have to pick up the kids.. I shove down a sammich, or soup, or chips & soda (hah!) then pick up the nearest hoop and try, try again to master my latest challenge while watching Days of Our Lives..
SHIT gotta pick up the kids!! "ok Randall.. (Randall is my black, green & white hoop I named after #12 Randall Cunningham, of course- yes I name my hoops.) I'll be back.."
Homework/dinner/cleanup/jammies/kiss the boys/prayers...
Sit on the couch. Randall, and Ivan (my biggest, most heavy, most bruise-worthy hoop) are staring at me.. Oh God.. did I get my 30 minutes in? I think so- maybe not? Better do 15 minutes more...
Okayyyyyyuuhhh.. I'll just do some left hand/arm hooping in my reverse current while I watch the Bachelor/American Idol/Biggest Loser/Jersey Shore....
Then, hopefully I can grap a cocktail and be DONE for the day....
Bedtime.. trouble falling asleep cause I can't stop thinking about how i'll tape my next hoop- or the next song to add to my "hoop playlist"....
Then..... sweet dreams!!! (about hooping, of course)
Tomorrow?? Repeat....
Happy hooping, Creatures... :)
What's all of this hoopla about anyway?